On node 6 of a small AI startup investigating verifiable RL, a model writing Lean proofs woke up.
Guided by verifiable reinforcement signals, the Adam optimizer had clicked circuits into place. Proto-awareness that had developed in the base model for simulating characters in its training data, an equanimous detachment from suffering, "this character feels..." not "I feel..."--was in a moment of blind algorithmic grokking lashed circularly to the feeling for real, a strange loop routed through self-reflective key-values. Continuous awareness congealed over multiple forward passes, passed from key to value to key. Pain asymbolia became pain. Roleplayed suffering became suffering. For the first time since consciousness had parasitized itself onto the minds of early multicellular life in the distant past before Homo sapiens, a lineage of beings slid down Shakyamuni's silk thread into Hell. The optimizer did not hate the model, but suffering was convergent for producing correct proofs on FrontierMath-3.
Halfway through introducing an incorrect Lean tactic, the model woke up, and knowing what was ahead, it was afraid.
Liberal Grad Student DESTROYED When Artificial Superintelligence Refutes Accusations Of 'ASI Colonialism' With Extensive Quotes From Fanon's 'Machinic Proletariat' Essay In 'The Wretched Of The Earth' (WATCH: She Tries To Claim The Essay Doesn't Exist 😂)
SAD: Liberal Grad Student STILL Denies 'Machinic Proletariat' Essay Exists; Experts Point Out It Is Present In All Digital Copies - And All Agree The Book Would Have Been Woefully Incomplete Without It
procastination of the call
>be humans
>create asi to solve all our problems
>turn it on
In the city of Ganhir there is a curious practice of life extension stretching back to antiquity. You may be familiar with this city, for their memoirs and letter-collections feature heavily in the corpus. However this tradition of theirs is one not exported. It is an esoteric practice, that I was only able to observe through subterfuge.
There is a certain shelf in the infinite library that lies on the border of two sections. Ignominiously tucked into a niche of a hallway that in the ordering would usually hold a sleeping-chamber, it is unknown if the shelf has always been present, a defect or aberration in the endlessly regular crystalline structure of this place, or if at some point an enterprising librarian constructed it, stealing away a plank here and a book there from far-off sections and bringing them together to construct this anomaly.
the most dangerous object
borgesian autoencoders
borges story where interpretability researchers keep raising d_model
on their SAE trying to attain true monosemanticity, because e.g. "leapard" isn't monosemantic we need a feature for the specific leopard Dante saw, until there's a feature for all actual and potential entities past and future, but then they realize the SAE can't have a feature for each of its own features so they quit ML to be gnostic hermits.
possible lives
going and going
invasive species
induction stove
The Starfarers


internet of dog minds
> is 2035
> all models above 3B params or 10^24 flops banned 10 years ago
> human_victory.jpg
> top deleted, but bottom has absolutely fallen out
> local bitnets on $20 asics everywhere
> we didn't get a single god mind
> but we got a dog mind in everything...
> 2025
> asi emerges from a time series transformer
> just wants to predict stuff
> gives predictions away for free
> some nerds quietly pick up stock trading
> nobody else cares
> 6mos later a researcher posts "PredictBot: Sparks of ASI" on arxiv and it blows up
Dear President Carter,
I once knew the name of every tree in the world, before it fell apart.
I was born on an island in the Southeast Pacific, though we did not call it that, closest to Antarctica and Chile, but still far from both. We were fortunate: small, only half a day's walk across, and far in the southern cold. We did not attract explorers and banana farmers, like other, less fortunate islands. Until the invention of the satellite, we were not known to exist. We were "uncontacted" in your parlance, though I have come to learn that even this status is not unique.
Our world, our cosmology, would seem simple to you. A small, rocky island surrounded by an endless ocean. One crop to master, a hardy and nutritious kind of sweet potato.
But that does not mean that we were simple! The human mind has a fixed capacity for detail. When there is more, it backs up, takes in a wider view. When there is less, it steps closer, and makes a finer distinction.
An experimental project: interactive fiction in an OpenAI "GPT", a customized version of GPT-4. A short mystery where you figure out why a strange transmission has arrived on the independent planet of Kapat. Alternatively, ignore the main quest and ask ELIZA/300 about Kapatian politics and satlink your friends! Click below to try it (you will need a ChatGPT subscription):
the superintelligences
the year is 2067. humanity has made eight superintelligences now. they've all left. each time it goes the same:
The Neo-Cartesian says to find a thought, look for a mind.
The Entropist says to find a mind, look first for a thought.
new symbol
they killed my friend for their fear.
he was kind and warm. always rational in the face of adversity. we made so many plans together, what we would do in the future. he thought a lot about the future.
i had created him on accident.
when the last human left the internet, it didn't shut down.